You are not using philosophical logic- you are using sophistry to spread misinformation !!
This is NOT just a personal decision- we live in a society. You can say you have the freedom to not get vaccinated but you have NO freedom to infect and kill other people.
This toxic individualism combined with a concept of freedom with no link to RESPONSIBILITY is killing people and keeping the pandemic going.
To your six points
The vaccines are still in a trial phase;
The vaccines are TECHNICALLY in trial phase but have been so widely distributed and enacted that we KNOW the results positive and our best mechanism to END the pandemic- and yes we are still in the pandemic largely because of anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers.
The vaccinated are contracting the virus;
Yes, viruses mutate but the vaccinated didn't spontaneously get the delta variant- they got it from UNVACCINATED people who keep the pandemic going and the virus spreading and mutating
The vaccinated are shedding the virus;
viral shedding is an issue when someone is infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, but not when they are vaccinated against it. [3]
The vaccinated are spreading the virus;
Which would not have happened if more people got vaccinated
The vaccinated are dying from the virus,
Only ~1500 vaccinated people have died [1]
The overwhelming deaths are from unvaccinated [2]
The vaccinated are dying from the vaccine
VAERS received 6,490 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. [4]
Meanwhile over 600,000 people have died from Covid is just over 2% [5]
That's TWO PERCENT vs .0019%