WOW your article is basically a version of "blame the victim."
We have a SCOTUS that has gone so rogue as to overturning precedents under the flimsiest of reasoning steeped in ideology and you have the nerve to claim the Democrats are using ideology to inflame sentiment? B.S!
The 'design' of American democracy as well as the Constitution NEVER, repeat NEVER envisioned a SCOTUS that could strike down laws left and right with no checks or balances on the court.
What we have now, in effect, is a court which can strike down ANY law passed by Congress and signed by a president.
Roberts' ruling on the Voting Rights act is a good example. The 1965 VRA was passed by a bipartisan Congress and signed by the president. In his comments, Roberts wrote:
“Things have changed dramatically” since 1965, Roberts wrote. “Yet the Act has not eased Section 5’s restrictions or narrowed the scope of Section 4’s coverage formula along the way. Instead those extraordinary and unprecedented features have been reauthorized as if nothing has changed, and they have grown even stronger.”
Who is he to say "things have changed"? That is NO reason to strike down the law. Conservatives used to whine that the courts should defer to the legislature, yet apparently only when it suits them.
Thomas is ready to strike down the precedence Obergefell v. Hodges (marriage equality) and Griswold v. Connecticut (right to contraception). Odd how Thomas didn't indicate a desire to cancel Loving v. Virginia (inter-racial marriage).
Striking down Roe via the Dobbs decision effectively sowed chaos on the American landscape for the weakest and most ideological reasons. The court CAN be immune from public opinion, but since when does that mean a court should be BLIND to the effects of their rulings? Every major decision and overturned precedent are backward steps- removing freedoms, removing rights- not the other way around.
Let's say Congress passes a law making abortion legal in all 50 states. There is literally NOTHING that prevents SCOTUS from ruling that law unconstitutional.
That is why this is a ROGUE court. That power is NOT at all what the Founders believed to be the courts domain.
It is also an illegitimate court for political reasons. The partisan garbage cooked up by McConnell to deny a sitting president his rightful place to appoint a justice, then ramming through other appointments as well.
Your condescension toward voters as merely puppets of a partisan line is itself ignorant. Voters ARE informed- they are not solely heeding partisan Democratic arguments- SCOTUS has gone off the rails and the public knows it.