Wow you really are pouring it on THICK! I am marking this post to revisit after the election and we will see how accurate you were, though I suspect this entire article is simply gas-lighting.
Strong leader? He confronted the virus head-on? Uh, no HE GOT INFECTED because he's a fragile man-child who won't listen to experts and presents overblown bravado as cover for his cowardice.
You are spinning it on the polls. Trumpers reluctant to express their views? Are you kidding- they have the loudest mouths, driving around with Trump flags on their vehicles and destroying Democratic yard signs! In any event 538 (see link) has been assessing the polls and disagrees with your assessment, showing Biden at 52% to 42% for Trump. I don't care about nation-wide polls- that is irrelevant. Given the awful existence of the Electoral College, it is state level polling that we need to pay attention to.
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Trump can hold all the covid-superspreader rallies he wants- rallies don't vote.
African-americans are voting in numbers far higher than 2016. Their lower turnout in the last election was a contributing factor in HRC's loss especially in states like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
As a member fo the Democratic Party's progressive wing, I can also anecdotally attest that far fewer progressives are abandoning the Democratic Party this election than occurred in 2016. The Democratic Party, at least in Michigan has put a full court press on voter outreach and get out the vote- I know because I have been working as district organizer in my home county and have transitioned to a statewide activity knocking doors and engaging voters.
Trump took a good economy and barely moved the needle. Steve Rattner (see link) illustrates it quite aptly in the NYTimes. Obama inherited a near-depression and moved the economy better and better, despite Republican obstruction. Even Trump's beloved "stock market" considers a Biden administration better than another chaotic, turbulent Trump term! (Again see link)
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Let's discuss fossil fuels vs renewable/low emission. The latest information I found was that in 2016, 1.1 million, of these employees worked in traditional coal, oil, and gas. But almost 800,000 workers were employed in low carbon emission generation technologies, including renewable, nuclear, and advanced/low emission natural gas. Expanding into this area would readily replace jobs in an industry which has been volatile anyway. Jobs in oil completely depend on the price of oil. Coal is highly polluting and we are not doing ourselves any favors eliminating regulations on coal so that we an burn more and pollute rivers and streams.
National Security:
It wasn't Trump that "eliminated ISIS" - it was largely the Kurds, some of the best allies we had in the middle east, who Trump then abandoned, leaving the Kurds to the mercy of Russians, Turks and Syrians! Yes Russia annexed Crimea and destabilized Ukraine during the Obama administration, though arguably Obama could not have prevented those actions. Trump is so far up Putin's posterior that he won't even commit to accepting US intelligence agencies assessment of Russian interference in our elections. But the election next week will NOT hinge on US relationship with Russia.
Uh North Korea last fired a missile capable of reaching the USA during Trump's administration! June 2017. Hello- the love fest with Kim didn't pan out very well.
Iran- I never felt UNsafe. Trump's unilateral actions undermined our allies as well. Iran may or may not collapse, but a desperate Iran cornered could become more dangerous. Trump has no idea about diplomacy or statecraft.
As to the virus, the accusations of Trump's handling as incompetent are effective because they are true! He disparages experts, walks like a tough guy and in what should have been THE safest place in the world to NOT get Covid- the president got it. And unlike millions of ordinary Americans who would have to have medical care in local hospitals, Trump as president surely got the highest level of care and attention any human being could get- of course it helped him get well faster.
And Covid is indeed surging, especially in the Trump-centric red states and rural areas, largely I suspect due to their imitation of the unmasked man
And we will NOT have a vaccine by the end of the year. The "promise" is so like Trump. We will see his taxes- Later. We will see a vaccine right after we re-elect him.. Right!
Now you are repeating allegations that have no basis in reality, parroting a lying Trump. There is ZERO fact that the Biden family was corrupt selling acess to the Vice President- passing on propaganda from The Blaze. So here it is YOU, Trump etal that are entitled your own opinions but not your own facts
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It still boggles my mind the sheer corruption so plainly evident and documented doesn't seem to phase any Trumper- It's a cult plain and simple.
More "socialism" hahahahahaha And here I thought you were an economist? One that doesn't really know what socialism really is, apparently. To paraphrase Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride: I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Some BIG predictions there- Trump victory, increased lead in Senate and flip the House. I am putting your article's link in my calendar to revisit once the dust settles. Marking it down for Nov 15th since the number of mail-and absentee ballots will mean there won't be a win declared - at least legitimately - on election night though I suspect Trump will start braying about his huge win by 10pm EST.