What a ridiculous article! I can't tell if it is sarcasm or not- especially when Jordan Peterson is invoked!
I have difficulty accepting your comment that you are an atheist.
Just because 45% of Americans believe we should remain a "christian nation" doesn't mean that it should. +
Quoting Mr Puritanical John Adams is laughable. Adams, as a 'moral christian' brought us the Alien & Sedition laws and used them like a tyrant would.
Liberty and equality are HARDLY principles "fundamental to Christianity. Women must submit to their men, gay people are abominations, just to start with two as indicative of the LACK of liberty and equality. Then we can take human interpretations of the Christian bible to support slavery in the 1800s. Human rights do not need religion to have a foundation. The Constitution doesn't even mention a god.
How many children and adults have been abused physically and traumatized emotionally by people of faith and church leaders?
The most destructive people in America, especially the last five years, are overwhelmingly religious and Christian. Can you say "two corinthians?" It is, frankly, conservatives, mostly Christian, that have done the most the last 40-50 years to destroy the concept of shared community and instead pushed an "I got mine" ethos on society.
The ONLY thing you got right in the article is "Atheism is simply a lack of this worldview"
Religions roll deities and worldviews into one package, for good or ill- mostly for ill, in my opinion based on history. Atheism does lack the world view part and different atheists will get their world view elsewhere, be it the selfishness of Objectivism (Ayn Rand) or via the Humanist Manifesto [1] which is where most of my fellow atheist acquaintences arrive at to large degree