We need imagination to get back to a 2-State solution for Israel and Palestine
Really? What appeasement? Turning Gaza into an open air prison? Continuing to build villages in the west bank and doing so on the best water locations. Even worse, Israel calls these villages “settlements” as if they were being constructed on a vast uncharted landscape devoid of people when in reality many are built by evicting palestinian residents!
These so-called settlements, being built on an ever ongoing basis, has destroyed the concept of a two state solution! It was argued that Israel offered the PLO a state at one time- but it was a swiss cheese state with not territorial integrity, no free movement for palestinians from village to village because they must constantly pass through Israeli checkpoints!
Israel often gives a free pass to “settlers” who murder Palestinians.
Whenever someone discusses peace with the Palestinians there is always this insistence that ALL violence must cease or any peace plan cannot proceed. This is complete B.S.
Setting aside for one moment the “swiss cheese” offer and assume a real territorial possible nation, let’s look at the Irish situation. After decades of violence and terrorism, England realized they couldn’t defeat the IRA. Likewise, the IRA realized they couldn’t push out the Brits. It was either continue the ongoing conflict or try a new road. What resulted was the Peace Accords. The IRA ceased terrorist activities and a new start was initiated in Northern Ireland.
And yet- there WAS some added violence. The most seriousn was the Omagh bombing 13 weeks after the peace accord was signed. Yet it wasn’t the Provisional IRA (PIRA) who committed it. It was done by a tiny dissident offshoot of the IRA calling themselves the “Real IRA.” The aftermath was a large hue and cry of condemnation from so many- the British government, Irish Government, Sinn Fein and the PIRA as well! PIRA members started visiting homes of the dissident “real IRA” (and I suspect a couple Real IRA members perhaps met an untimely end in the process) that the Real IRA suspended activities! Another group, the Irish National Liberation Army, also suspended violent activities!
In any event, one can look up the details of the peace agreement but it was a forward thinking step in 1997which has largely held true to this day! If only the US and Israel had some imagination now. I said this before, but will say so again.
1. We need to go back and revisit the two state solution
2. A two state solution means either dismantling of so-called Settlements in the west bank or enact a palestinian state and Israelis choosing to stay become Palestinian state citizens
3. Implement a Palestinian nation, push for a democratic government with respect to minority rights. Such a Palestinian state would have a police force but no army. Israeli army checkpoints would be eliminated.
Notice I didn’t say anything about Gaza. Hamas rules Gaza, but not the West Bank. Show Gazans through the ideas 1–3 above that nationhood is possible and when they see their West Bank kin and neighbors living free in their own nation with the boot of the Israeli military removed, there may be a change in Gaza as well and Hamas will have worn out its welcome there.
Israel most assuredly needs security. But that can come in parallel with a West Bank nation. And no nation is ever fully secure as we know from the attack on Sept 11th, the multiple mass murders and terrorist attack on our capital on January 6.