2 min readSep 15, 2024


Today finally broke the straw for me on social media especially facebook. I don't care if someone has been a facebook friend for two days or twenty years- if you are a Trump supporter I will unfriend you and if necessary block you.

I've tried now for months to have reasonable conversations not only of GOP policies but of Trump's fitness for the office of POTUS. My argument is that I can understand if you prefer GOP policies and IMO the best thing you should do is NOT vote for him -which does not mean you need to vote for Harris- leave it blank and vote for GOP candidates down ballot.

I fully oppose GOP policies- both classic GOP (under people like Reagan and the Bushes). But the GOP is effectively dead- we will get the worst of GOP economic policy but it will be linked to the worst of the MAGA vision of the USA.

TrumpMagaProject2025 will make women second class citizens again

TrumpMagaProject2025 will enshrine minority rule in the USA by undermining elections

TrumpMagaProject2025 will sell out our allies overseas and cave to autocrats and dictators

TrumpMagaProject2025 marginalize our LGBTQ friend

TrumpMagaProject2025 demonizes immigrants (legal and otherwise) and open concentration camps to round up people of color.

Trump supporters are either racists or tolerant of racism.
Trump supporters are either fascists or tolerant of fascism under the belief THEY will benefit.
Trump supporters either are traitors or tolerant of Trump's giving away state secrets
Trump supporters either are traitors or tolerant of Trump attempting to overturn an election
Trump supporters either cheaters on their spouse continuously or tolerant of it while attacking Clinton for the same (to be clear Bill was a pig)
Trump supporters either clueless of his actual business accumen or tolerant of his grift and bankruptcies
Trump supporters are hypocrites to call out on Biden's alleged mental decline while excusing Trump's clearly evident mental unhingement.

So long- Get off my news feed.




Written by dennisbmurphy

Cyclist, runner. Backpacking, kayaking. .Enjoy travel, love reading history. Congressional candidate in 2016. Anti-facist. Home chef. BMuEd. Quality Engineer

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