The trial was not a sham- Trump effectively admitted paying the money in a press conference outside the courthouse! He filed fraudulent business records.
Biden does not have a success deficit- if anything, the Biden campaign simply needs to be more vocal about the actual successes!
Health care - we now have more than 90% of americans insured due to Biden improving access to Obamacare which Trump undercut and insured dropped significantly.
Biden admin forged the first ever accord between Japan and South Korea- though both are allies they have an historic mistrust of one another. He also has forged stronger ties to that entire area of the pacific in response to Chinese activities. inked new defense partnerships with the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, and deepened ties with India and Australia.
Forced Chinese companies to open their books-give American inspectors at the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, the top U.S. accounting watchdog, unprecedented access to the audits of Chinese and Hong Kong-based firms trading on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq.
Real wages are up, lowest unemployment in years. Income inequality has been reduced somewhat.
Expanded overtime guarantees to prevent employers from working people more hours without pay.
Unions get stronger.
Cracking down on junk fees and such which penalize lower incomes harder
Making airlines pay up when flights are delayed or canceled
Biden signed an executive order directing agencies across the government to promote competition and take on monopolies. That included reviving a set of USDA regulations- the crackdown is on near monopolies in our food industry like the meatpacking companies- this will help small operations compete
Inflation reduction act spurred a lot of "new green deal" infrastructure programs and even with that we are producing more oil than ever. Renewable energy is now the #2 source of electricity
Brokered a deal to save the Colorado river due to water depletion and arguments between states using the water
Aiding farmers to go more 'green' in their agricultural practices
Inflation isn't really under president's control but the GOP will still use it so it is worth noting it has dropped significantly under Biden.
Stock market and equity markets are up under Biden.
Violent crime has fallen dramatically despite the Fox News propaganda of carnage in the cities.
Protected via executive order, undocumented spouses of citizens which keeps families together
loosening federal restrictions on marijuana
Working to bring microchip production to domestic manufacturing
released a national cyber strategy, the first since 2018. The strategy has five pillars including strengthening international cyber diplomacy efforts, securing emerging critical technologies and taking more aggressive steps to disrupt hacking groups
announced dozens of federal and private moonshot programs, including several that rely on the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, an agency Biden created to take on high-risk, high-reward research - addressing diseases like cancer
ssued a national spectrum strategy and presidential memorandum, which created a system empowering both his Commerce Department and, when necessary, White House officials, to settle interagency spats over 5G spectrum use
ssued a highly technical but far-reaching AI executive order last year that surprised even close observers with its ambition. The order mobilizes a wide range of government powers to tackle the potential risks of AI, in areas from discrimination to national security.
clinched an infrastructure deal that opened the spigot for $1.2 trillion of investment into the nation’s roads, waterlines, broadband networks, airports and much more.