The Second Amendment (2A) was NEVER meant as a bulwark against a "tyrannical government." Hamilton clearly spells this out in No- it was put in to facilite government run militias to protect the nation in times of invasion, insurrection and civil disorder. It was NOT to fight our own government.
See Hamilton's Federalist Paper #29. The 2A absolutists often quote Patrick Henry. But Henry was OPPOSED to the Constitution so much so that when it passed, he gerrymandered Congressional districts in Virginia to pit Madison (as a Constitutional supporter) against James Monro (who also opposed it).
Gun regulations have been around for 200 years. Some western towns banned guns in their city borders in the "wild west days."
I wrote an article [link 1 below] that we need to stop using there term 'assault weapons.'
Another I wrote details the difference between inalienable rights and legal rights which undermines the 2A absolutist view of the 2A as inalienable.
Two other articles on the same concepts are linked below in [3] & [4]