The entire article is an exersize in false equivalence.
The deaths cited in Israel were by individual extremists- not state sponsored murder.
Hamas, as the ruling group in Gaza, committed state sponsored murder of LGBTQ people.
"Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in Israel are considered the most developed in the Middle East.Although same-sex sexual activity was legalized in 1988, the former law against sodomy had not been enforced since a court decision in 1963. Israel became the first country in Asia to recognize unregistered cohabitation between same-sex couples, making it the first country in Asia to recognize same-sex unions in any capacity. Although same-sex marriages are not performed in the country (as it does not have civil non-religious marriages), Israel recognizes same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation was prohibited in 1992. Same-sex couples are allowed to jointly adopt, following a landmark court decision in 2008. Previously, stepchild adoption, as well as limited co-guardianship rights for non-biological parents, were permitted. LGBT people are also allowed to serve openly in the military."