"since Kamala took over the head of the ticket, that — ready? — 35,000 Michigan residents had volunteered to do canvassing and GOTV work in his state."
This is absolutely true. Three months ago our Kent County Democratic Party (headquartered in Grand Rapids MI) had about 250 official members- it has now exceeded 600. Three months ago our monthly meetings would have about 40 people attending in person and another 10-15 on zoom. Last month we had 80 in person and two days ago we had about 100!
Not only are the volunteers knocking on likely and surely Democratic doors to GOTV- get out the vote- but one member stepped up and is implementing a plan to get more unregistered voters registered!
I plan once again as I have since 2018 to work the entire day on election day as a credentialed Democratic Party poll challenger- except I view my roll as protecting people's ability to vote and to intercede if a Republican poll challenger tries to make it difficult for someone to vote.
I will also have my Walther 9mm in the trunk of my car on election day. It is illegal to take a gun into a polling place, but given the environment of stochastic violence incited by Trump etal., should someone come in shooting, if I can make it out to my car I may be able to limit the damage
Trump already refused another debate- everyone knows he's chicken - as well as his advisors told him not to.
"Greene commented about Loomer’s presence like this: “Laura Loomer’s outright lies, instability, and manic toxicity have no place in MAGA.”" HAHAHAHAHAA