Seriously? This should be considered a sarcasm article
The war in Ukraine is ABSOLUTELY a depiction of Good (Ukraine) vs Evil (Putin/Russia).
Minsk-2 was literally FORCED upon Ukraine- the over-riding agreement should be the one where the west guarantees Ukraine territorial integrity to get rid of their nukes. In 1994, Ukraine agreed to transfer these weapons to Russia for dismantlement and became a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in exchange for economic compensation and assurances from Russia, the United States and United Kingdom to respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.
In 2014, Putin promptly put into play the same tactic he used in Georgia in 2008. Foment false protests and disputes in a region of the target nation then invade on the pretense of saving "russian speaker" lives.
You keep calling Ukrainian's who don't want to lose parts of their nation "ultra-nationalists." Meanwhile ultra-empire advocates in Russia are following the Dugin playbook
I can't even read the full article it's so ridiculous.