quote: it is a popular claim to make that racism is an “institutional” and “systemic” problem — racism is not something to be encountered in the individual human heart, it is more pressingly a living, breathing part of existing “systems” that troublesomely, everyone is, by default, “in denial” about.
Racism can be both individual in the human heart AND systemic and institutional. Indeed the personal racism is what facilitates the institutional. By making it institutional and and systemic, this allows the those that benefit from the system to absolve themselves of personal racism- they can just claim "that's the way it is"
A quick example is the red-lining which institutionalized the prevention of black citizens to buy houses where-ever they wanted while enabling whites to flee to the suburbs benefiting from the biaed system. We could go on and on with regards to access to banking & loans, jobs & employment, and so on.