Jun 24, 2024


Quote: I can’t tell you the number of people who come into my gun shop and tell me they ‘couldn’t find’ their gun

To this point- exactly jeezuz. I own two handguns. A Davis 32 (classic Saturday night special with nickel plating and a wood grip and a Walther PPS 9mm). I know exactly where both are in my home.

IMO people should have to register their guns ANNUALLY and show they still have possession of them.

This would prevent those "missing" guns from getting into the crime circuit either by deliberate off the books sales or thefts.

At the very least it alerts authorities that a gun is out there in play for possible crimes.




Written by dennisbmurphy

Cyclist, runner. Backpacking, kayaking. .Enjoy travel, love reading history. Congressional candidate in 2016. Anti-facist. Home chef. BMuEd. Quality Engineer

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