quote: Before the rise of Adolph Hitler, Germany was viewed as welcoming to Jews. Germany’s Emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II had Jewish friends.
I think you have this wrong- anti-semitism was a standard feature in Europe ALL the time.
You are cherrypicking
"There is evidence to suggest that antisemitism was a problem in Germany even before the rise of Hitler." [1]
"While having many Jewish friends before the World War, ex-Kaiser Wilhelm II turned completely anti-Jewish after the war when he lost his throne and was compelled to live in exile in Doom, Holland. The ex-Kaiser blamed the Jews for his defeat. “I shall not leave the throne to please a couple of hundred Jews and several thousand workers,” he was reported to have said to Dr. Drews, German Minister of Interior who conveyed to him on Nov. 3, 1918, the request of the German Government that he abdicate." [2]