3 min readOct 15, 2024


OMG would you just STOP- YOU are part of the problem. You know what the Democratic Party is? IT IS PEOPLE- not some "illuminati" organization cloaked in mystery pulling strings behind the scenes.

I know because I am volunteering to get this election won. I am personal friends with several congresspeople and elected officials all of whom are working non-stop to win this November

What's exhausting is your constant negativity on Democrats while NEVER ever actually acknowledging the real accomplishments

Quote: If Democrats lose both the White House and the Senate, they will have no one to blame but themselves and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

I call BULLSHIT- typical shallow bullshit from people that don't want to actually come to the table to DO THE WORK!

Lauren- are you out canvassing? Making phone calls? Knocking on doors? bundling literature for people who do knock on doors? are you donating to Democratic candidates so they can get the message out there?

Somehow I DOUBT IT. Your attacks are petty snipes at thousand and thousands of hard working volunteers and good elected officials trying to do their best in these tough times.

Maybe turn your focus on the biased media coverage given to Biden vs Trump and to now Harris vs Trump?

As for the first two years of Democratic control:

1. NYTimes Sienna poll has been outed as skewed toward the GOP repeatedly with poor sampling

2. The Democrats did not have FOUR years- they had only the first two in which they passed - GOP took control at the mid-term- a frequent occurance in politics- and blocked most initiatives since then.

a) American Rescue Plan Act

Seven weeks into his presidency, Biden signed into law a $1.9tn economic stimulus plan designed to combat the coronavirus pandemic and begin repairing the nation’s frayed social safety net

b)Bipartisan infrastructure law

The infrastructure law provided for $550bn in new spending, investing in everything from the nation’s waterways and transit systems to its airports and electric grid. The bill also included funding for electric vehicle charging stations, as well as for zero- and low-emissions buses and ferries.

c) Confirm a supreme court justice

His choice was Ketanji Brown Jackson.

d) Gun-control legislation

The bill toughens requirements for the youngest gun buyers, keeps firearms out of the hands of more domestic abusers and helps states implement “red flag” laws that make it easier for authorities to temporarily take away weapons from people deemed by a judge to be dangerous. It also includes funding for mental health and violence intervention programs as well as school safety initiatives.

e) The Chips and Science Act

The $280bn bill contains more than $52bn to expand the US’s domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry,

f) Aid for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits

The law, known as the Pact Act, helps veterans get screened and receive services for possible toxic exposures, such as Agent Orange

g) Inflation Reduction Act

the bill represents America’s largest ever investment in combating climate change. According to the White House, the climate initiatives contained in the plan put the US on track to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40% below 2005 levels by the end of the decade. The legislation also includes investments in environmental justice, conservation and resiliency programs. In an effort to reduce soaring healthcare costs, the Inflation Reduction Act allows the government to negotiate prescription drug prices for seniors on Medicare, extend federal health insurance subsidies and caps out-of-pocket costs for insulin at no more than $35 per month for Medicare beneficiaries.

Maybe you need to move on from your misguided hurt over 2016- an attitude that cost the nation dearly with three Federalist judges appointed to SCOTUS, the overturning of Roe, the immunity of Trump's presidential actions, not to mention numerous other damaging rulings.

I used to have a NYTimes digital subscription with Sunday Times home delivery- I canceled it a week ago in protest to the constant skewed coverage of the election- the sanewashing of Trump's incoherent monologues and the constant goal post moving attitude toward Biden and then Harris- I had no other means to protest. The corporate media is more of a problem than the Democratic Party will ever be. So I canceled it.

Face it- The Democrats could get enacted every pet progressive program and it wouldn't be enough for you. It's like being in an abusive relationship!

So I am now going to stop following your wallowing tirades, the constant "never can do right" attitude,




Written by dennisbmurphy

Cyclist, runner. Backpacking, kayaking. .Enjoy travel, love reading history. Congressional candidate in 2016. Anti-facist. Home chef. BMuEd. Quality Engineer

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