Oh gawd- another re-has "Bernie would have beaten Trump" blah blah blah- and I voted for him but the fact is he did NOT win and never came close.
As of the end of Feb-2016, with four states voting ( Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina) he won New Hampshire but lost massively in South Carolina and was behind 53-45.
Then came Super Tuesday and he fell further overall to 55-42. March wasn't much different
HRC clinched the nomination in early June based on delegate count.
Anyway ancient history- the real election in 2024 does not include 82 year old Bernie, but rather 81 year old Biden and 77 year old Trump. Parroting the MAGA dementia talking point about Biden is bullshit.
Even if both Biden and Trump are in decline, I will take a Democrat as VP succeeding Biden over ANY MAGA Republican succeeding a Trump presidency.
Yes Trump blathered a populist rhetoric, yet governed as a standard GOP president albeit with the racism more overt.
Bernie "had a fair shake" at the nomination and lost. it's a simpleas that. He knew going in that superdelegates were part of the process. I wish they weren't but that was the game when he joined.
"vast centrist Dem conspiracy." Just please take off the tin foil hat- it is no secret mainstream Democrats preferred a mainstream Democratic candidate rather than someone who only conveniently joins the party just to advance himself.