Nothing should be taken out of context. There was a recent news report that 8 or 9 people from Tajikistan were recently detained after having crossed the southern border. They are terrorist risks. They had been caught by border patrol and released, perhaps (according to one expert) to lead to bigger fish planning a terrorist attack. Biden's closure comes right after this and I have no doubt he was briefed on the issue.
He tried to get a border deal which would have been better but MAGA and Trump stopped it- this is well known.
If you think a third party will win the presidential election- that is a pipe dream. The reality is, despite how much disappoiontment we may have, is between Trump and Biden- period. The issue of "led me to hold my nose and make a pragmatic choice, as many did, for the greater good" should prevail again.
Gaza issues are terrible but not the only issues at stake! Voting rights, weaponization of the executive branch under a Trump & Project 2025. What about our LGBTQ friends? or women's reproductive freedom? And yes, things will get WORSE for black and brown migrants under a Trump regime. The border order is temporary. Not permanent. Biden will have more leeway when re-elected.