Not everyone supporting palestinians is supporting Hamas nor is everyone supporting palestinians anti- semitic but it is to stick one's head in the sand not to recognize that there are some on that side who do support Hamas and are anti-semitic. Hamas is no freedom fighting group- their goal is to wipe Isreal off the map. As an amatuer student of the history of the IRA who also committed terrorism- their goal was to free Ireland from the british, not to wipe out the nation of england. Hamas murdered LGBTQ palestinians by tossing them off the roofs. Hamas got billions in aid for Gaza for years and did very little to improve conditions on the ground, but they did construct three levels of military oriented tunnels. They won election in 2006 (barely) and never held another, instead they murdered or otherwise drove out people from the Fatah political party.
As to Israel itself- their govt especially under Likud, has damaged the possibility of a two state solution - I don't consider the death toll in Gaza as genocide. I know many people disagree, but genocide has specific meaning and the conflict in Gaza , in my opinion, doesn't fit it. I do think war crimes and an extension of ethnic cleansing which is still ongoing in the west bank and east Jerusalem fit quite easily. Many of the arabic population are no more indigenous than jews who moved to the area in the 1910-20s. As jews moved there, they began improving infrastructure, draining marshes, eliminating malaria. A muslim leader even said at the time that jews were improving the region for everyone. Jewish groups were actually BUYING land in the region via fundraising account - mostly buying from absentee landlords who lived in Egypt, Syria or Jordan.
I do support the right of Israel to exist. National borders are not always organic- the British (and other colonial powers) did enough map drawing to complicate the world for centuries. But why is a national border declared in 1948 less legitimate than one declared in 1856 for example. Why do some question the existence of an Israeli (jewish state declared in 1948 ) but not muslim Pakistan artificially created in 1946 for religious reasons?
BUT Apparently Jews can be anywhere in the world they want to be... Just so long as they are not in charge. Hence the sideways attacks on George Soros for example. He is effectively "in charge" with his money (another antisemitic trope). There seems to be an undercurrent of glee to able to toss the word "genocide" at jews of all people.
( I also think this floating pier for aid is going to take a ridiculously long time- the US Navy and Marines can load up landing craft and roll food right onto the damn beach and bypass the IDF).
As to support for the Democratic Party, and this is not meant to minimize the tragedy in Gaza, but it is not the only issue we need to vote on, important as it may be. Netanyahu is going to do what he wants in response to the horrific brutal terrorist attack. I do wish Biden had been more forceful publicly as well as held back arm shipments. My sense is he thought he could get better cooperation from Bibi but clearly that isn't the case. Biden by nature isn't an "arm twister."
To large extent, the GOP and Dems are 'cold warring' it over support for Israel. You will recall even into the 1980s Democrats and Republicans trying to outdo each other in opposition to "communism" and support for domino theories
There are numerous reasons to support Democrats (and Biden this fall). I will never be a "one issue voter'. - student debt forgiveness, marijuana off the schedule 1 list, infrastructure and green energy spending programs, continued support for Ukraine (which I do support). Democracy is at stake. Voting rights. Reproductive freedom. The GOP has already hijacked our courts with faux-doctrine hacks! Social security and medicare, social safety nets. Support and protections for our LGBTQ friends and neighbors. Withholding a vote from Biden only enables another Trump administration. While I despise the term "vote for the lesser evil" in this case that may very likely be true because the arab palestinians won't get ANY help from a Trump administration.