1 min readNov 1, 2022


Mr. Busler claims that Republicans are trying to save Social Security and Medicare (aka the entitlements) and that they don't want to eliminate these programs. Really?[1] Republicans plan to use the (unconstitutional) Debt Ceiling to blackmail Congress into making cuts in the programs.

What does Congress typically do to make these programs "solvent"? Raise the retirement age and cut benefits to future generations. No wonder young people are skeptical that they will ever see the retirement money they are paying. Arizona’s Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters, for instance, proposed privatizing the program. Yeah, right, toss our social security to Wall St Vulture gamblers!

Mr Busler suggests raising the SSI tax whichis already at 12.4% of one's paycheck.

What is really needed is to lift the cap on SSI deductions. Why NOT remove it? Let's move SSI to a sustainable retirement fund akin to Universal Basic Income. Keeping the current limit merely allows wealthy to invest their disposable money into other ventures thereby exacerbating the income gap in this country.

Mr Busler also spouts the same old canards which have been proven WRONG, yet he persists. Higher taxes on the wealthy do not slow economic growth nor does taxes on business reduce capital formation. These two claims have been rebutted ad-nauseum, but he repeats them with nauseatingly frequency!

Republicans want to use the debt ceiling, deficit and debt to squeeze Americans into the poor house





Written by dennisbmurphy

Cyclist, runner. Backpacking, kayaking. .Enjoy travel, love reading history. Congressional candidate in 2016. Anti-facist. Home chef. BMuEd. Quality Engineer

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