More propaganda from Mr Busler!
1. Inflation was NOT caused by "excess demand due to federal spending." Inflation was a worldwide problem, not only in the USA.
2. Raising the debt ceiling should NOT be tough! All it takes is legislation by Congress.
3. Not raising the debt ceiling (the law for which is likely unconstitutional) will cause the USA to default on money we owe which was already allocated by Congress.
Republicans have proven over and over they are NOT the party of fiscal responsibility!
4. Social Security and Medicare are NOT "on the road to insolvency." We know that Republicans have wanted to kill those programs and privatize them to benefit Wall St and the wealthy. No cuts are needed in either program- we need merely lift the cap on deductions which is currently $148,000. For those that do not know. A person making $148K per year AND people like Jeff Bezos pay the same rate in to the SSI funds! Jeff Bezos only pays into SSI on the first $148K!
5. Raising the retirement age IS foul! Why is it Republican boomers keep screwing over the next generations? And you wonder why they don't vote for you?