Let's break down some of your propaganda!
The supply chain "crisis" is due to surge in demand for goods as people ceased to spend on services due to the pandemic.
This is an example of a double edged sword- yes delivery is constricted BUT people do have money to spend which will result in economic growth as supply chain constrictions fade.
BTW rasberries on your cheap snotty shot at paternity leave- ALL Americans should enjoy such a perk.Globally, the average paid maternity leave is 29 weeks, and the average paid paternity leave is 16 weeks, the center’s data shows up to 2019. [1]
Why increase the number of hours a truck driver can be on the road? Apparently you don't care about safety or worker conditions.
And our truck driver shortage is not due to age restrictions- it's due to poor pay and working conditions. Corporations I have worked for have gone to putting shipping product out for bids and give it to the lowest bidder in a race to the bottom. There is lots of evidence on how trucker pay/income has dropped over the last ten years if you did the least bit of research [2]
Asserting that the supply chain issue is due to lack of low paid workers (and we know how much Republicans love to keep worker pay low), is also false. Pandemic money ceased in September under federal law- or even earlier in miserly scrooge Red States. Your disconnect and snotty privilege is showing assuming people can afford to "just sit home" Yes people do want better work life balance and Walsh can't give one UNDER THE CURRENT POLITICAL ATMOSPHERE. What would Busler suggest to solve this? I suspect eliminate ALL unemployment and threaten people with starvation. Democrats offered increased assistance for child care, family leave, increase in minimum wage, etc- all of which help "work life balance" and are rejected by regressive conservatives stuck in 1880. The pandemic is NOT over- which means front line workers don't want to endanger their lives for poor pay under terrible managers. Older adults simply retired. More at the link [3]. US has “the largest stockpile of government-owned emergency crude oil in the world.” And past releases did lower prices. (see link).
Gasoline fuel cost increases are as much a product of newly increased demand as it is seasonal formula changes in the fall and greed on the part of fossil fuel industry. Whining about releasing oil from strategic oil reserve? Per the article [4].
Regarding spending, deficits and inflation- you and your ilk have been WRONG WRONG WRONG for ages clinging to zombie ideas (as Paul Krugman calls them) despite evidence to the contrary refuting your positions! "There isn't an automatic link between federal spending and inflation" says "There isn't an automatic link between federal spending and inflation. "Greg McBride, chief financial analyst at Bankrate, noted to Newsweek that June's inflation would be three percent if it were compared to the same period in 2019, when conditions were normal before the pandemic. Still high, but not nearly as bad as 5.4 percent looks." [5]
As to defense, it's not like we really have any threats. And Biden's policies with regards to China and Afghanistan and even Russia are barely different than Trump's, so your complaint rings hollow.
As to the other article on your page besides the one we are discussing, "We need another dose of supply side economics today" OMG- NO WE DO NOT- it is voodoo economics and DOES NOT WORK and has never been proven to work. See Zombie ideas again. Far too much evidence available at the link to even go into it here [6]
[1] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/25/upshot/paid-leave-democrats.html
[2] https://www.businessinsider.com/truck-driver-salary-decrease-pay-cut-2018-9
[3] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/20/6-reasons-why-americans-arent-returning-to-work.html
[4] https://americanprogress.org/article/eight-reasons-to-release-oil-from-the-strategic-petroleum-reserve/
[5] https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-federal-spending-driving-inflation-1616044
[6] https://equitablegrowth.org/neither-history-nor-research-supports-supply-side-economics/