Jeezuz your writings remind me of the scene in Vicki Christina Barcelona when Scarlett Johanson's character decides to leave and Penelope Cruz's character tells Johanson she has permanent discontent.
And the constant "the Dems" did this or did that- it's a political party, not the Illuminati!
The actual general polls don't mean sh!#. The real race is with the Electoral College count. See the link below in that regard.
and this? Quote: "Once again, Democrats are showing us how little they think of their voters, and how much they take support for granted. As bad as Trump might be, they refuse to acknowledge that Joe Biden has clearly yet to prove to American voters that he is willing of their time to go to the ballot box, stand in line, and show support."
Really? The Biden administration has passed major climate legislation, eased student debt, funded infrastructure improvements. I don't think his job is done yet and four more years is warranted.
By all means we should never simply gloss over issues. But for some on the left, this repetitive whining isn't uncovering real issues, it's a form of propaganda to CREATE discontent.