I think you're getting way ahead of yourself here- it's a long ways to 2023 when campaigning really begins.
As to qualifications who are you to say Buttigieg isn't qualified? Americans really don't care about qualifications anyway. 78 million people voted for Trump -he certainly wasn't qualified
While not my first choice in 2016 Hillary was certainly qualified in ways that Bernie was not even though I voted for him in the primary.
My fellow Progressive need to quit whining about the so-called Democratic establishment and get their asses out there and work. they don't knock on doors, they don't canvas, they don't do mass up phone calling.
Fellow Progressive here in my County abandoned their County party just because of something they perceived at the national level over which are County officials have no control, Which means by County party which used to have over a dozen progressives now has about three of us at County meetings. that means we have literally no votes to sway the rest of the participants.
local Progressive think standing on a street corner waving a sign every couple of weeks over some issue is going to get votes - it doesn't.