I enjoy the detail and information you present. Indeed some of the arguments in opposition to a Jewish state are flawed.
I do have a couple criticisms. The offers of a Palestinian state in the 1990s and 2000s were flawed offers, in my view because the offers did not entail territorial integrity with Israel still controlling large swaths of the West Bank and arabs having to go through security checkpoints just go get from major arab cities to another.
I do agree that the original movement of Jews to the region in the late 1800s and early 1900s was not "settler colonialism" but I think the "settlement movement" in the modern era qualifies- as Netanyahu and his allies have accelerated the building of villages in the WB especially.
Quote: In June 1997, the Likud government of Benjamin Netanyahu presented its "Allon Plus Plan". This plan holds the retention of some 60% of the West Bank, including the "Greater Jerusalem" area with the settlements Gush Etzion and Ma'aleh Adumim, other large concentrations of settlements in the West Bank, the entire Jordan Valley, a "security area", and a network of Israeli-only bypass roads.
From the information on Wikipedia, Jewish presence in the WB wentfrom 1182 in 1972 to 17400 (1980) to 214100 (2010) and as of 2022 is a half a million. It is a concerted effort at eliminating any 'two state solution" and veritable ethnic cleansing.