I do remember protests after the inauguration ... of OBAMA
I do remember EIGHT years of personal attacks .. on OBAMA
I do remember the "not my president" .. on OBAMA
I do remember being told the president inflamed racism.. on OBAMA
I do remember conservatives holding images of Obama in a noose
I do remember Republican Joe Wilson shouting YOU LIE during a state of the union speech
Trump was a Russian asset, knowingly or unknowingly, and this was proven by his actions if nothing more
The impeachments were NOT partisan, what was partisan was the Republican party NOT holding a criminal president accountable for blackmail of a foreign nation in effort to aid his election!
The president's allies were conspiring and communicating with foreign agents! This is a FACT- Don Jr went to meet with one to get dirt on HRC- FACT
People pounding on Supreme Court doors? Really? What about January6th insurrection and invasion of the Capital by violence.
Remember Rush Limbaugh saying he would move to Costa Rica if Obama got elected? But stayed anyway
Trump was a serial liar- documented so- and blatantly lied over and over again.
The media wasn't "in the tank"
Trump and his supporters did this all to themselves so don't act like what happened to him was so novel and new. Sheer hypocrisy
As to your false equivalence meme- The BLM protests were not intended to be violent or riots- and they were protesting a legitimate grievance.
The Jan 6th assault was intended by many there to BE violent - we know that from actual investigations that people went there to invade the building.
Yet they were "protesting" not for a REAL grievance but based on falsehoods and lies that the election was fraudulent led by a liar in chief Trump