I disagree!
I support progressive policies and voted for Bernie - HOWEVER
quote: What Bernie offers is ... a proper perspective of how our money is created and moves through the economy. ... and that we don’t even need to “get” money to enable spending on the public purpose where the goal of spending enriches our society. He knows that our taxes don’t actually “fund” anything and are destroyed by the debt immediately upon entry to the government sector.
That is FALSE- Stephanie Kelton who authored "the Deficit Myth" and advocates MMT (modern monetary theory) could not get Bernie to adopt or understand the issues in this regard- she says so in her book. And when asked "how will we pay for Medicare for All" he cannot articulate correctly how to pay for it- the answer always comes back to "taxes" and "cut the military"
Now cutting the military budget is fine by me- but you won't win support on MFA from a significant portion of the populace with that. Why even link it- have the military budget as a separate argument.