Mr Busler's shilling for MAGA-GOP-Trumpism is, as always, as hilarious as it is predictable!
Trump's alterations to NAFTA were mere tweaks [1] . In fact, despite his blathering about support for workers, it was Democrats that pushed for the revised NAFTA to include provisions for labor. His renegotiation with South Korea similarly negligable[2]. Japan [3]? "the US-Japan trade deal announced on September 25, 2019, actually does little more than partly restoring the benefits that Trump recklessly threw away when he pulled the United States out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in January 2017. " Trump's trade deals with India fell though.
Trumps assertion that the importing nations will pay the tariffs are ludicrous and have been refuted by every respectable and responsible economists as well as importing businesses.
Supply side economics has already proven a failure. Reduction in regulations will make Americans less safe, less healthy and less financially successful.
Mr Busler repeats the canard about illegal immigrants as criminals when it is well documented immigrants, legal and illegal, commit far fewer crimes than native born Americans.
To assert Trump will address government spending (assuming one thinks that is a real problem) is laughable since it hasn't happened. MAGAGOP and even Democrats have campaigned on this issue. Since it hasn't been "solved" it's probably not an issue that NEEDS to be solved. Also, deficits grow not just from spending but from tax cuts which Trump's "gift to wealthy and corporations" 2017 tax cut did just that. No reason to expect a different outcome now.
Peace agreements between Israel and "hostile" arab nations, like Trump's trade deals, are mostly Show with little substance. As if Israel was actually at war with Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco.
Mr Busler- are you actually saying with a straight face that "North Korea stopped firing missiles" when the facts are blatantly available? [4] "North Korea Fires More Missiles After Trump Receives 'Beautiful Letter' Aug 9-20109"
Trump policies before leaving office undermined peace and stability. His attempts to undermine NATO emboldened Putin's aggression. His action releasing thousands of taliban fighters and negotiating with the Taliban undermining the Afgan govt was egregious and irresponsible and his drawdown of troops undermined safer evacuation.
Quote: "It will seem like Trump’s accomplishments were magical."
Magic is all slight of hand and deception- and we get that in bushels from the corrupt orange man whose incoming administration is refusing to sign ethics pledges.