For those that keep bleating the Dems are "the other GOP" - Jeezuz really? Have you SEEN the current GOP?
No Dems are not as progressive as most of us on this article want, but they are not even close to equivalent of the modern GOP or Trump party. Claiming so is false equivalence.
The Inflation Reduction Act had a load of "green" inititiative funding in it.
Biden should not have negotiated with McCarthy on the debt ceiliing but given that he did- the GOP didn't get close gutting as much social spending as they wanted.
Here in Michigan, with Dems controlling all of state govt for the first time in over forty years-
Dems reversed GOP "right to work", helped get reproductive freedom into the state constitution and repealed a zombie law banning abortion, passed LGBTQ protections, Repealed a GOP tax on pensions, expanded working family tax credit, passed several gun regulations.
Prior to the last election, even when the legislature was held by the GOP our top executive branch was all women Democrats- our Sec State facilitated the best vote registration and vote by mail initiative during covid. and our Dem attorneyGeneral continues to fight for citizens and the environment by working to shut down an unreliable oil pipeline company which could decimate the great lakes should Line5 ever break or leak.
Education policies Democrats hope to pursue in the coming months through the budget process are to continue to see historic investments in education — the largest per-student investment ever in K-12 education, free breakfast and free lunch programs for every school student, making sure that people have access to universal pre-K.
Don't give me "the Dems are the same as the Repubs" false equivalence garbage!