First, let's ignore the snide fisherman homely anecdote which is the metaphorical version of your household checking and the Federal Budget are the same. That poor analogy has already been debunked.
I even wonder why you think you speak for Trump supporters. They are certainly not monolithic. There are those like McConnell who cynically used Trump as a vehicle for more power. There are those that think Trump represents Republican policies and then there are true believer fanatics of his cult base.
I doubt most Trump supporters even go into the weeds of tax policy other than to have exploded heads when Fox News or the Busler's of the world bleat "socialism" and "higher taxes."
Either way, Trumpublicanism would not solve anything, mired as it was (and is) in faulty Republican concepts of taxation and trickle down twinned with chaotic trade and foreign policy.
Capital formation: Per the Tax Foundation (2015) "research on tax policy changes over the past four decades suggests that lower taxes on capital do not increase investment. Unfortunately, the nation’s decades-long experiment with tax cuts for the wealthy has produced only lackluster economic results at an exorbitant fiscal cost.”
Not only has tax cuts for the wealthy NOT increased investment (i.e. capital formation) but has greatly facilitated the widening income gap in the USA beginning with Reagan flattening the tax brackets (i.e. making them less progressive) which was followed by similar actions under both Bush presidencies. Furthering income inequality was the lower of taxes on capital gains, a major source of income for the wealthy. Under this system, a millionaire pays a lower rate on the interest on investments than the guy making auto parts in a factory.
Tax cuts cannot be considered responsible actions when only considered in isolation. The recent Trump cut saw corporation simply use much of the money for stock buybacks.
As long as our economic planning and regulatory environment is primarily focused on short term, tax cuts merely shift more wealth upward rather than creating a bigger pie.
We need a return to strengthening the ability to unionize, an actual livable minimum wage, examine the possibility of a guaranteed income, treat capital gains income just like wage income for tax purposes, return to the pre-Reagan tax tables adjusted for any inflation and single payer medical care. We also need to do more for displaced workers when trade does affect an industry creating job losses. Some of the items mentioned in this paragraph would do just that. Implementing these things will help ALL Americans and desire to follow a demogogue. This would help many of the "Trump supporters" except the cynical and power-hungry like the McConnell's of the world.