Feinstein needs to go and I have agreed with you on that for a while.
But another consideration is at play here unfortunately. Her seat on the judiciary committee.
I know all the buzz from the left is how she's clinging to the seat so Newsome can't appoint a progressive to the Senate. That may have some impact. But I think the better reason is that if she did resign and he did appoint a new senator- it would still leave a gap on the judiciary committee because the GOP wouldn't allow Shumer to place a Democratic Senator on the committee! the GOP can't stop an appointment by Newsome but they can- and WOULD- stop the Dems from seating a senator on the committee - which would then grind to a halt Biden's ability to appoint judges and justices!
In case anyone remembers, HRC's loss meant THREE SCOTUS appointments and hundreds of judicial appointments- The total number of Trump judgeship nominees to be confirmed by the United States Senate was 234, including three associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, 54 judges for the United States courts of appeals, 174 judges for the United States district courts, and three judges for the United States Court of International Trade. Trump did not make any recess appointments to the federal courts. Twelve circuit courts of appeals judges were confirmed during Trump's first year in office
.. including the idiot who blocked the FDA and mifipristone!