Considering the USA had the largest growth in history and growing middle class from 1946 until 1980 while simultaneously having high marginal tax rates on wealth- one can objectively say "fair share" should be a return to those rates both on income and capital gains.
We already know the tax plan the GOP delivered and essentially named it the Trump tax cuts-which I already proved to you skewed benefit to the wealthy and corporations- that is standard GOP tax policy anyway for decades- there's zero chance of MAGAGOP raising taxes on the wealthy nor giving any real significant benefits to the middle class and working poor- they haven't done it since 1980, they won't stop now
You can believe what you want about taxes- good thing YOU don't get to decide- we would have a shithole country for sure without the taxes needed to run the national government.
I read your article- So it's okay if the GOP forces their ideals "down the throats of those that disagree with them." but not when Democrats are the majority? Got it. Fact is that the GOP has to CHEAT to get their ideals forced onto people- which is what McConnell did with the SCOTUS nominations. It's what the GOP did in my state in 2018 lameduck session forcing unwanted legislation before the new Dem majority took control in 2019.
Yes the Dems SHOULD have expanded SCOTUS. Nine is no magical number. For years, the number of justices mirrored the number of circuit courts. The number got set at nine in 1869 when there were nine circuits. We now have 13, so it would be logical to expand the court to 13. [1]
There is, effectively, NO such thing as an independent voter. Just because they don't officially affiliate with a party doesn't mean they are independent.[2]
State power? We've seen that movie- it got a bad rating- state power meant Jim Crow discrimination, state level oligarchy. The new Jim Crow in GOP states now wants to dominate women, put up barriers to voting, etc. One's fundamental rights should not depend on your zip code!
As to Trump forcing states to comply based on tax disbursements? Hell, it won't happen because of policy disputes- he's a small mean vindictive narcissist who refused FEMA aid to Orange County California during a major wildfire because they didn't vote for him. He released the money once his aids proved that the OC was indeed a red voting area. That's the kind of guy you want in the top job? really?
As to money to the states, yes California and NYork get the most in absolute terms as high population states. But it is mostly red states that get the most as a percent of their state budgets: "Montana led the states with the highest proportion of federal funding to the overall budget at 31.8%, followed by New Mexico (30.7%), Kentucky (30.1%), Louisiana (29.8%), and Alaska (29.0%).[3] The rest of us are subsidizing those states
Military? Trump is already lining up a purge on the military. As to government workers, Project 2025 calls for a return to the Jacksonian Spoils System.