As someone who actually used a gun to prevent further crime, I don't take my one time experience as any sort of data point to extrapolate to a wider range.
1988. 2am. Summer. My wife and I were sleeping in the front bedroom which has window overlooking the street. One year old son was in the next bedroom. We hear a loud CLUNK waking us up and I look out the front window. Three young men were checking out my truck and my wife's car after having knocked over my motorcycle (the loud clunk). All three vehicles parked along the curb in front of the house.
Wife gets on the phone with 911 as go to the front door. The house had a small foyer in front of the main front door which had a screen door and steps down to the sidewalk.
I shout out to the men that we have called the police and they should move on. "You called the mother fucking cops on us?" one replied and began walking toward the house from the street.
I tell my wife "Tell 911 one of them is coming up the sidewalk and if he opens the door I am going to shoot him in the head"
The young man is probably ten yards from the bottom step up to the screen door and I visibly chamber a round and tell him (without pointing the gun at him)
"you are NOT coming in this house"
He had by that time put his foot on the first step and immediately backed away . One of his buddies said "did he point a gun at you?"
"Nah man he didn't point no gun at me" where upon they all three ran away.
Cops took 30 minutes to get there.