Anyone posting online these days with a nom de plume (fake name) is automatically suspect as a troll and every comment from them should be regarded as misinformation.
We KNOW the Russians tried to influence the election. The election might have been stolen in as much as the misinformation may have swayed voters. I move in progressive political circles and the number of fellow progressives who said Ukraine had nazis, Hillary would get us in a nuclear war with Russia etc - all of which was Russian propaganda.It clearly influenced some people.
The fact we can have three GOP candidates win the presidency not by popular vote but by the undemocratic Electoral College vote makes them essentially illegitimate.
But HRC doesn't need to recant. Even though in the opening clip she says "stolen" that one time, her other statements focus on the attempted information manipulation which may sway votes improperly.
She never incited a mob to attack the capital, never sued over 50 times in state & federal court (all dismissed by the way. She didn't incite attacks on election workers.
Your whole arguement smells of false equivalence. And Trolling