A little research shows that only John Adams ever used the phrase tyranny of the majority, homey bromides aside (wolf sheep phrase).
We have long since passed the point of protecting minorities- in fact, we haven't done that in a real sense (Jim Crow, redlining etc). But we do now have a minority which OBSTRUCTS progress to maintain a level of power in society.
As Gary Wills claims: "Minorities can make use of dispersed and staggered governmental machinery to clog, delay, slow down, hamper, and obstruct the majority. But these weapons for delay are given to the minority irrespective of its factious or nonfactious character; and they can be used against the majority irrespective of its factious or nonfactious character. What Madison prevents is not faction, but action. What he protects is not the common good but delay as such".
There is NO voter fraud that could swing a major election. And your snide attack on cities is disgusting. And quit using the term ballot harvesting - that is NOT what is happening in California. It is simply third parties being allowed to assist other people in getting their ballots to the ballot box. Your use of the term is propagandistic.
We agree on the EC- The way elections now operate, the EC actually enables cheating. Popular vote would inhibit cheating