A few thoughts on your article.
First, it is a far different issue of the IDF protecting Israel from neighboring nation armies than an incursion by terrorists. We already have proof of Israeli capabilities militarily in 1967 and 1973. It may be true that the level of professionalism has dropped in the IDF but in the case of a real actual war, I still think Israel will come out on top. After all, they are not just fighting a war, but fighting for survival should a war take place. In the case of this terrorist attack, I think Israel became complacent.
As to Iron Dome- it is meant to stop rocket attacks, not low tech invasions with hand weapons or drones.
Second, the fault for this terrorist attack lays at the feet of Netanyahu. Israel may be a staunch ally, but Netanyahu is a serious problem for the USA and for Israel too! He has destroyed the true concept of zionism and is a criminal as well. The Netanyahu govt KNEW of the money flowing into Hamas which Hamas used to fund tunnel construction and missles and war equipment. Once this war is over, Israelis will throw him out, I think.
Third, US aid at $3.8B is essentially money we give Israel who then turns around and buys US made weaponry for their military. Economic aid has been drastically reduced since the 1990s per an article in Axios.[2]
Fourth, if Israel is committing ethnic cleansing, and it appears to be actually happening whether intended or not, that is a crime and the USA should respond accordingly.