A few thoughts:
1. As to proof, it isn't atheists making the BIG CLAIM of an deity which not only is so powerful as to create the universe but also one which reaches down to humans and formats miracles. And as you noted, there is the possibility and the probability of a deity involved.
There have been philosophicl debates about whether one has to prove a negative. That has been the assertion of atheists quite often. However, aside from that, is it POSSIBLE there is a deity? Sure, it is possible. But even if we accept that premise, would such a being actually involve itself in the day to day inner workings of humanity much less individual humans.
Is it probable? No it isn't probable either especially if one then takes it to the point of a being actually involving itself in the day to day inner workings of humanity much less individual humans.
(As an aside, I had a conversation once with an evangelical who asked me what it would take for me to believe- what would be proof. I said we could go to the shore of Lake Michigan and he could have his deity part the waters like was supposedly done for Moses. He retorted that I wanted "God to be a magician" No, I said. But why are all these super fantastical miracles all only in the distant ancient past? It's just too easy for the theist to tell us to "just have faith.")
While some atheists become activists and advocates, my preferred position is that I don't push my view (atheism) to theists and they shouldn't push their's to me. The problem really arises because they can't help themselves! Numerous social/political arguments revolve around issues for which their response is that it "violates their religion" and for which they often want legislation that advances their theistic viewpoint onto the whole population.
My wife's family has been completely RUDE to her about her atheism. Constantly disregarding her view point and pushing their religion on us. One cousin claimed he was OFFENDED by her atheism because it disparaged his "father" (i.e. God, Jesus, whatever). He didn't seem to consider that her atheism didn't have ANYTHING to do with HIM! His feeling offended was on him, not her.
By the way I have met both Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens following presentations each gave here in Grand Rapids MI. I got a signature from each in one of their books.